4 : 46 She's Lost Control (12" Mix)
Anthony H. Wilson liners note:
Martin taking his place in that role of honour in cargo, strawberry and britannia row with those arps and his beloved amd digital delay; changing forever the way we hear music. Martin explaining that in factory acquiring a jaguar, i was about to come face to face with one of the triumphs of british engineering. not the car, the ashtrays. he was right. of course. they are miraculous. on being asked, he explained succinctly and amusingly how the heavy oil and thick plastic bag creates a truly sexual hinge. he always knew everything. Martin insisting every day on taking the (longer) pulaski skyway route from manhatten to the studio in east orange, new jersey, as we recorded acr, new order and e.s.g. he felt so at home; it was just like trafford park, manchester's then decaying industrial estate. he loved trafford park. he loved industrial decay; maybe he even loved his own decay. Martin sitting in a darkened room with a revolver nestling in his hands while he explained to the film makers how he created factory records - "found a talking head for a front man." Martin inspiring one of the earliest flights of shaun ryder's verbal genius. the first verse of the monday's "tart tart" tells the painful story of the split between martin and his factory partners with all the economy of a james joyce short story; "...with hands ... held out ..palm up...". shaun didn't even know him them - barney had just told him the stories and he made it up from there. and in eight lines caught the whole ******* thing. Martin, years later, working so closely with the boys in the driffield studio, taking on board the house beats drifting from the darkened pool room, and creating more beauty and changing things yet again. Martin, near the end, appearing in a new fads video being wheeled around the dance floor of the hacienda in a shopping trolley, by now grotesquely overweight, head lolling, for all the world like falstaff being driven in state round a cheapside tavern. and the coffin; such a big coffin. such a big man. changed my life. changed lots of lives. anthony h wilson.